report models

But the large language models used in these tools are prone to "hallucinate," or make up false ... In this article, we design and report on the first preregistered empirical evaluation of AI - driven ...
Quinta's weblog  -  15-6-2024
...issue - - what would you do with your report? You generate one that makes your division look better, and you give that to the boss." Plus, he cautioned: "Even the people who build these models can't ...
Quinta's weblog  -  25-5-2024
... diventare, come saggiamente scrive Tedeschini Lalli, scienziati dei dati o, nel caso, di Large Language Models. Ma devono forse prima capire chi sono e dove sono. Una ampia sezione di questo report ...
LSDI  -  9-5-2024
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