but francis

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Fonte della foto: L'Antidiplomatico
But this was more than a defeat at the polls for American Democrats. Since the early 1990s, when ... In 1992 Francis Fukuyama, a minor functionary in the State Department at the time, published The End ...
L'Antidiplomatico  -  20-7-2024
Fonte della foto: Firenze Repubblica
... Pope Francis, in his pontifical white, stood out. As did his message " that the world should ban ... It isn't perfect, but it has succeeded in ensuring that nuclear weapons are not widespread. Today, we ...
Firenze Repubblica  -  10-7-2024
Fonte della foto: ComeDonChisciotte
Nel 1883 il biologo Francis Galton, cugino di Charles Darwin, conia il termine eugenetica e fonda l'... Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but the United States.' Fin dal 1926 la ...
ComeDonChisciotte  -  1-7-2024
Fonte della foto: Rainews
Pope Francis, a strong voice for action against climate change ordered the construction of a solar ... The Tour de France kicks off tomorrow from Florence, but the caravan has already landed in the city ...
Rainews  -  28-6-2024
Fonte della foto: Notizie Geopolitiche
... aveva al suo servizio un notevole Spymaster nella persona di sir Francis Walsingham, che è stato ... quando quest'ultimo era segretario di Enrico VIII e aveva come motto: 'the king's servant, but God's ...
Notizie Geopolitiche  -  16-5-2024
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