... vice president del Client Computing Group e general manager Client Segments per Intel, che parte dalla considerazione che, nel segmento mobile, il ciclo di aggiornamento dei "commercial PC", cioè ...
Hardware Upgrade
... vice president del Client Computing Group e general manager Client Segments per Intel, che parte dalla considerazione che, nel segmento mobile, il ciclo di aggiornamento dei "commercial PC", cioè ...
Hardware Upgrade
This frees them up to focus on what they do best " deepening client relationships and growing their ... Syntax operates through three segments: Affinity® Data, Syntax Direct, and Syntax Indices. Built ...
... as well as speciality markets and general insurance segments such as motor and medical. Altus ... Accenture's business depends on generating and maintaining client demand for the company's services and ...
Other segments also declined, including providers with revenue under $1 billion, which may struggle ... including client satisfaction with ITO and BPO specialists and firms that offer both types of ...
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