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Fonte della foto: Passione Astronomia
Pensate che uno dei promotori delle teorie del complotto sull'allunaggio fu la rete televisiva Fox che, nel 2001, trasmise un documentario intitolato Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? Nel ...
Passione Astronomia  -  12-6-2024
... similar to what the settlers did, based on a conceptual justification. If, conversely, the courts ... it seems to me that the attempt to assert before the courts that machines understand and create ...
Quinta's weblog  -  12-6-2024
Luoghi:stati uniti
Fonte della foto: La Repubblica
Due semplici parole "I did", per confermare apertamente quello che molti avevano intuito, ovvero di avere avuto i suoi due figli attraverso la maternità surrogata. Naomi Campbell, 50 anni, in un'intervista al Sunday Times ...
La Repubblica  -  11-6-2024
Fonte della foto: Girodivite
The Pakistani government did eventually impose restrictions on onion exports, as the outward flood ...one bag of 5 kilos of onions was going for 1500 rupees to 1800 rupees [$5.39 to $6.47] before it ...
Girodivite  -  11-6-2024
Fonte della foto: Tp24.it
'I did not examine Andrea Bonafede,' Tumbarello continued, 'because it was pointless in front of the results of a colonoscopy.' Prosecutor De Leo asked Tumbarello how he acted as an intermediary for ...
Tp24.it  -  11-6-2024
Fonte della foto: Giampiero Gramaglia News
It was a manifestation of the great lengths to which the Biden family has gone to support Hunter as he stands trial, accused of lying on a federal gun purchase form when he said he did not have a ...
Giampiero Gramaglia News  -  10-6-2024
Fonte della foto: Girodivite
An ordinary mobilized soldier in tame camouflage is worth it. Dense, strong, not young. He speaks ... Because this is not a conflict between two mobilized people who did not share something. This is a ...
Girodivite  -  9-6-2024
Fonte della foto: ytali.
Listen to the heartbreak in the way she sings "oh, if you ever did", or the last "oh baby, just say it isn't so". The overall effect of the musical arrangement is so gorgeous " the guitars! " that it ...
ytali.  -  9-6-2024
Fonte della foto: ytali.
With 5 centuries to explore, in a historical novel how did you determine which real Venetian personalities would appear? I loved weaving in real people into the story, to give it verisimilitude. I ...
ytali.  -  7-6-2024
Fonte della foto: Rolling Stone
... titolo Please, please, please , la cantante fa del suo meglio per mantenere quella serenità, supplicando il fidanzato: " Please, please, please/Don't bring me to tears/When I just did my makeup so ...
Rolling Stone  -  7-6-2024
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