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Fonte della foto: Libero Reporter
🔊 Ascolta articolo - G7 leaders, meeting virtually under the chairmanship of Giorgia Meloni, discuss aid to Ukraine and the handover of the presidency to Canada At the virtual meeting of the G7 leaders, convened by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the imminent disbursement of EUR 50 billion to Kiev from frozen ...
Libero Reporter  -  13-12-2024
Persone:giorgia meloni
Organizzazioni:italian prime minister
Fonte della foto: Libero Reporter
🔊 Ascolta articolo - After weeks of uncertainty, Emmanuel Macron has chosen François Bayrou as prime minister to deal with the political crisis in France. The handover between Michel Barnier and Bayrou will take place today French President Emmanuel Macron has appointed François Bayrou as the new prime minister and charged him with forming a ...
Libero Reporter  -  13-12-2024
In occasione dell'handover, Ola Kàllenius ha ringraziato Papa Francesco e tutti i partecipanti, sottolineando la strategia aziendale sostenibile di Mercedes - Benz: "Con la nuova papamobile, Papa ...
il Denaro.it  -  4-12-2024
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