legal constraints

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Non a caso costituiscono anche il sottotitolo del libro 'Board - shareholder dialogue: Policy Debate, Legal Constraints and Best Practices' presentato di recente a Oxford, un testo edito dai ...
Borsa Italiana  -  14 ore fa
... (8) the nature, cost and outcome of any litigation and other legal proceedings, including any such ... the impacts of ongoing and new supply chain constraints, the status of our facilities and product ...
01Net  -  23-10-2024
... and overall robustness in responding to challenging RF and bandwidth constraints in real - time ... or a significant reduction in orders from major customers; costs of legal proceedings or potential ...
01Net  -  7-10-2024
... including changes in domestic and foreign business, market, financial, political, and legal ... changes in government programs or applicable requirements; budgetary constraints, including automatic ...
01Net  -  3-10-2024
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