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Fonte della foto: Panorama
...Fearless You belong with me Love story Red 22 We are never getting back together I knew you were trouble All too well Speak Now Enchanted Reputation ... Ready for it? Delicate Don't blame me Look ...
Panorama  -  13-6-2024
'No one knows what the energy sector will look like 10 years from now. But in the path towards it, ... we provide patient and intelligent capital and a global footprint to back founders throughout ...
01Net  -  12-6-2024
Fonte della foto: Domani
... un po' crudele versione romana di Simon Cowell, un po' inquietante figuro dal look cyberpunk, ... è appena uscito "24 back to 84", il disco postumo suonato dalla Richard Benson Orchestra. Le urla di ...
Domani  -  10-6-2024
...fruit machine refers to the percentage of all bet cash that the video game will certainly pay back ... Please gamble properly and look for expert help if you or somebody you recognize has a betting issue.
Sì24.it  -  8-6-2024
Fonte della foto: ytali.
...boat I was so busy trying to use the oar properly and keep my balance that I couldn't really look ... Back to YtaliGlobal
ytali.  -  7-6-2024
Pick High RTP Gamings: RTP represents 'Go back to Gamer' and represents the percent of wagered money that a slot machine repays to players with time. Look for penny ports with higher RTP percentages, ...
Sì24.it  -  7-6-2024
Choose Games with High RTP: Look for port games with a high Go back to Player (RTP) portion. This indicates the average quantity of cash that is gone back to players over time. The greater the RTP, ...
Sì24.it  -  6-6-2024
'We look forward to continuing to build our partnership and deepening our integration with Sigma ... Its write - back capability and comprehensive support system accelerate organizational growth and ...
01Net  -  5-6-2024
Fonte della foto: Il Riformista
... molti alti esponenti dei Tory sembrano aver preso alla lettera gli Oasis: ' Non guardare al passato con rabbia, ti ho sentito dire" - 'Don't look back in anger, I heard you say'. - -
Il Riformista  -  5-6-2024
Fonte della foto: Radio Capital
Con versi come 'Men walkin' 'long the railroad tracks / Goin' someplace, there's no goin' back', ...a hungry newborn baby cries / Where there's a fight 'gainst the blood and hatred in the air / Look ...
Radio Capital  -  5-6-2024
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