PALO ALTO, Calif. - - (BUSINESS WIRE) - - Maxar Space Systems, satellite manufacturer and provider of advanced solutions for space exploration, has received an order for a geostationary (GEO) high - power communications satellite from a ...
21 ore fa
PALO ALTO, Calif. - - (BUSINESS WIRE) - - Maxar Space Systems, leading satellite manufacturer and provider of advanced solutions for space exploration and operations, today announced it has delivered the first of 16 spacecraft buses to ...
Il sistema di propulsione di Gateway è stato affidata alla Maxar Space Systems e, una volta operativo, sarà il motore solare - elettrico più potente realizzato finora. L'assemblamento, i test e i ...
... and Maxar's Ovzon 3 satellite. Additionally, the company ... the company announced important contracts with Thales Alenia Space, ... critical structures, mechanisms, radio frequency systems, platforms, ...
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