Although he was known as Patriarch John of Constantinople during his lifetime, everyone called him "Saint John the Golden - mouthed" ("John Chrysostom" in Greek) after his death because of his holiness and his priceless way ...
Il Cattolico
... two prominent Catholic leaders have focused their attention on the country of Jordan the Latin patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, and Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch ...
Il Cattolico
E' stata scattata nel 2021 a Patriarch Grove, un antica foresta di pini setolosi nel nord della California. La fotografia mostra un tronco striato e ritorto, liscio come se fosse stato lavorato da un ...
Il Foglio
In an interview with Vatican Media, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, expresses his hopes for an agreement that will bring an end to this phase of the war in Gaza, while still however cautioning that there remain ...
Il Cattolico
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