don fiction

Fonte della foto: ytali.
...that my 'branch' of translation is considerably different than that of translating fiction or poetry, which I imagine demands levels of cultural and linguistic interpretation that I simply don't ...
ytali.  -  1-6-2024
Fonte della foto: ytali.
I don't recognize anything Jewish in what is happening in Gaza. No. The attack of Oct. 7 is a day ... It is a fiction, a false doctrine. What I see being done in Gaza, the catastrophe in Israel, it ...
ytali.  -  17-5-2024
Fonte della foto: Il Bo Live
... preso a spunto per innumerevoli studi o altre scritture fiction , riprodotto in mille versione ... Lo abbiamo fatto per Don Winslow, appare interessante oggi anche per Michel Bussi rispetto agli ...
Il Bo Live  -  11-5-2024
The decision to make this short story available to readers, who don't master American English, ... - safranko - fiction /. NO…? (di Mark SaFranko - trad. ita di Matteo ...
Il Detonatore  -  27-3-2024
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