his personal

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Fonte della foto: GlobalProject
...of the psychiatric institution is a necessary condition and not sequential or secondary to personal ...a person with a mental disorder involves risks to the physical safety of the person himself or his ...
GlobalProject  -  10-1-2025
...of information the company has on its customers and Musk's ability to access and share it at his ... Elon Musk offers personal aid in Las Vegas Cybertruck explosion probe - The Washington ...
Quinta's weblog  -  4-1-2025
Fonte della foto: ytali.
The sanctions against Ivanishvili include the freezing of his US assets and a prohibition on US ... learn new skills, and grow at a personal and professional level. But if the government continues to ...
ytali.  -  31-12-2024
Fonte della foto: ytali.
... was a unique and powerful aspect of every part of his life. When he left office in 1981, the ... Koinonia members divested themselves of personal wealth and lived in an interracial faith - based ...
ytali.  -  31-12-2024
Fonte della foto: il Fatto Quotidiano
Just change the words in his statement to Gaza and Israel and you will get a very close analogy. So,... Protesting comes at a personal risk, particularly for Palestinians - including those with Israeli ...
il Fatto Quotidiano  -  27-12-2024
Fonte della foto: EuroNomade
Toni's communist practice nourishes and is nourished by study, both collective and deeply personal. ... the multinational groups of students and comrades gathering in his seminars in Paris, and the ...
EuroNomade  -  27-12-2024
Fonte della foto: Girodivite
Blair leveraged his contacts and influence to become a lowly multimillionaire who insists that his personal kitty is nowhere close to the 45 - million - pound figure often bandied publicly about. "I ...
Girodivite  -  21-12-2024
Organizzazioni:oval officebrits
Fonte della foto: DIVULGAZIONE SCIENTIFICA - Gravità Zero
Tesla had developed it with his own personal funds. The motor had been removed, leaving the clutch, gearbox and transmission to the rear wheels uninterrupted. The power receiver (gravity energy ...
DIVULGAZIONE SCIENTIFICA - Gravità Zero  -  21-12-2024
Persone:nikola tesla
Organizzazioni:teslapierce arrow
Luoghi:new york
Fonte della foto: Girodivite
He said he did not know what specific data had been extracted from his phone. Amnesty said the use ... Anything that you say could be used against you, which is paralysing at both personal and ...
Girodivite  -  19-12-2024
Fonte della foto: Adnkronos
... and I deeply value Luka's commitment to using his position to inspire young athletes to embrace sports as a powerful tool for personal growth and the empowerment of future generations," said Gasol. "...
Adnkronos  -  19-12-2024
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