russian federation

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Fonte della foto: Adnkronos
'To Nato, the Russian Federation has gifted an unforeseen revival of its role and prominence," Mattarella said. "Who can forget the words of more than one Nato leader, who just three years ago said ...
Adnkronos  -  24-7-2024
Fonte della foto: Girodivite
We count on your understanding." Zakharova said "no changes have been made to the list of grounds for imposing a ban on entry into the Russian Federation; there are no additional obstacles to ...
Girodivite  -  5-7-2024
Fonte della foto:
That year saw the Russian Federation attack Ukraine for the first time. The Russian aggression resulted in the imposition of huge economic sanctions by Western countries, the most important trade ...  -  3-7-2024
Fonte della foto: Adnkronos
Sisecam operates production facilities in Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Bosnia - Herzegovina, Russian Federation, Georgia, Ukraine, Egypt, India, and the USA in addition to T&...
Adnkronos  -  26-6-2024
Fonte della foto: Virgilio - Notizie
... including key G20 partners such as China, Brazil, India and Indonesia We welcome resolution, which clearly qualifies war against Ukraine as "aggression by the Russian Federation" ? Josep Borrell ...
Virgilio - Notizie  -  2-5-2023
Fonte della foto: Virgilio - Sport
Il team della Russian Freestyle Federation esprime le sue profonde e sincere condoglianze alla famiglia, ai parenti e ai colleghi di Pavel Krotov". Mistero sulla morte di Krotov. Sono ancora ignote ...
Virgilio - Sport  -  26-3-2023
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