save our ship

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Fonte della foto: - Tech & Scienza
Quando si parla di "SOS", molti pensano che significhi "Save Our Souls" o "Save Our Ship". In realtà, queste sono interpretazioni successive, chiamate "backronyms". Il segnale, infatti, non rappresenta alcuna parola. Il vero "SOS" è una sequenza continua di tre punti, tre ... - Tech & Scienza  -  17-6-2024
Organizzazioni:compagnia marconi
Fonte della foto: Adnkronos chains work and know that each item you produce and ship ... Our end - to - end cloud - based labeling platform helps businesses ... helping companies save over $200 million in fines annually. And ...
Adnkronos  -  17-6-2024
...HONOR Magic V Flip smartphone is the 23 rd HONOR device to ship ... 'Leading the industry with our AI models and expertise in both ...Intuit Credit Karma to accelerate Karma Drive and help members save ...
01Net  -  14-6-2024
... Hooper, and Brody to save Amity Island's residents and the ... Tension mounts as you see 'blood in the water' from our animated ... featuring a 'Lookout Tower' ramp, a ship's wheel horizontal spinner on ...
01Net  -  12-6-2024
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