Because technology, public policy, and technical standards constantly evolve and change, EV Connect has built its platform and tools to ensure that an investment in electric vehicle charging ...
41 minuti fa
Tutte le versioni di Renault 4 E - Tech Electric possono essere dotate di caricabatterie bidirezionale in corrente alternata da 11 kW che consente di avvalersi delle funzioni V2L (vehicle - to - load)...
1 ora fa
... AxiomSpace, Prada e Nokia stanno sviluppando le tute spaziali lunari, mentre Toyota, General Motors, Michelin e altri sono in lizza per costruire il Lunar Terrain Vehicle e Goodyear sta lavorando ...
Passione Astronomia
20 ore fa
The most noticeable acceleration in sales growth came from Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers (+3.1%) and Furniture, Home Furnishings and Electronics (+5.0%). Consumers slowed their pace of spending in ...
20 ore fa
... etichettati con il nome di " Polestar Conquest ", a cui si aggiungono ulteriori 15.000 dollari del programma " Polestar Clean Vehicle ", destinati a chiunque prenda in leasing una vettura del ...
21 ore fa
FULL HYBRID, IL PROTO - IBRIDO Full Hybrid, o Hybrid Electric Vehicle Le odierne auto full hybrid, note anche come HEV ( Hybrid Electric Vehicle ), sono le eredi dirette delle prime ibride che si ...
22 ore fa
This agreement with Seeing Machines aligns with our purpose to provide cutting - edge technologies that support safer, more efficient commercial vehicle operations," said Masahiro Kaji, President and ...
22 ore fa
Di fronte alle sfide poste dalla mobilità urbana, un recente studio ha proposto l'introduzione di una nuova categoria di veicoli in Europa, denominata ASEV (Affordable, Sustainable Electric Vehicle) .
23 ore fa
... the Indy Autonomous Challenge , together with the team of researchers from the Politecnico di Milano , has once again pushed autonomous technology to the limit, analyzing the behavior of the vehicle ...
"Ready Aware is an innovative and highly scalable solution that is helping OEMs transform their in - vehicle experiences by bringing contextual awareness into the cabin with an accelerated time to ...