my silence

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Fonte della foto: Adnkronos
What is your opinion on this case? Since its first days, the regime has sought to silence, censor, ... Now I am calling on my compatriots to boycott this sham election. They deserve truly free and fair ...
Adnkronos  -  30-5-2024
Fonte della foto: Atlantico - Nicola Porro
... it is above all my duty . For those who have not fully understood yet, we are not facing simply ... ' To silence any form of dissent, they use the expression ' hate crime ': she claims that even ...
Atlantico - Nicola Porro  -  26-5-2024
Fonte della foto: Il Foglio
... you say, is my life, Oh to believe in another world, A harvest of devotion, A Board shall carry ... Su un'altra parete notiamo che su un altro cartoncino c'è la scritta The silence roars, il silenzio ...
Il Foglio  -  20-5-2024
Fonte della foto: ytali.
I am not prone to breaking my silence unless I feel I'm not just multiplying words. I have felt frustratedly mute since October 7, 2023, trying to process what has unfolded since, but feeling more ...
ytali.  -  17-5-2024
Fonte della foto: Virgilio - Motori
Exelentia presenta silence s04. Citroen i n versione sostenibile arriva a Ponza. Ds 9 m.y.2023 e Ford inaugura il centro EV di ...
Virgilio - Motori  -  29-6-2023
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