New data from Global Blue reveals double - digit growth in Tax Free Shopping across Continental Europe and Asia Pacific, with Issued Sales in Store (like - for - like year - on - year performance) at +10% 1 in February 2025, compared with +29% in January. February's performance was ...
and continental Europe. Prior to Brookfield, Rosamond spent 14 years at PIMCO most notably serving as Executive Vice President, Consultant Relations Group and Senior Vice President, Global Wealth ...
... Approvazione della bozza di Bilancio d'Esercizio al 31 dicembre 2024 Next Geosolutions Europe - ... Bilancio Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli - Risultati di periodo: FY 2024 Continental - Risultati ...
La Stampa Economia
Continental Europe reached 81.6 million, a 20% increase, while Asia Pacific reached 16.2 million, a 32% increase. Payments delivered revenue of 25.1 million, a 13% year - over - year increase, ahead ...
Come hanno spiegato Jos Tromp, head of business development continental Europe e Chris Brett, head of capital markets di Cbre - "l'ultima survey degli investitori spiega che il 90% punta ad aumentare ...
Il Sole 24 Ore
🔊 Ascolta articolo - Macron convenes a meeting with European leaders to discuss the situation in Ukraine and challenges to continental security Europe is preparing to respond to the US verbal exclusion from negotiations to stop Russian aggression in Ukraine. The President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, convened ...
Libero Reporter
🔊 Ascolta articolo - Von der Leyen: 'Finally free from Russian threats and blackmail' Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania officially completed the switch to the continental European electricity grid today, permanently abandoning their connection to the Russian system. During the ceremony in Vilnius, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called ...
Libero Reporter
... ha aggiunto invece Andrea Scrosati, Group Chief Operating Officer, CEO Continental Europe di Fremantle. Di cosa parla Costiera: la trama . Il protagonista della serie Costiera è Daniel De Luca , ...
Libero Tecnologia
Andrea Scrosati CEO Continental Europe di Fremantle ha inoltre dichiarato: "Got Talent è il principale talent del mondo e uno dei formati più preziosi di Fremantle. Non poteva esserci un partner ...
Libero Magazine
... sottolinea Carolina Klint, Risk Management Leader, Continental Europe, Marsh. "La complessità della contingenza attuale vede nello stesso momento la presenza di rischi economici, geopolitici e ...