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Fonte della foto: ytali.
This book feels experimental because of "time alla Veneziana" that brings us through 500 years of history with compelling characters that only age a natural lifetime. Why is it this story that leant ...
ytali.  -  19 ore fa
Fonte della foto: Wired
Nell'aprile 2023 in  Cina   l'Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) ha  mantenuto  lo stato di confinamento del plasma per 403 secondi, un record. Sempre nel 2023, in  Germania  lo  ...
Wired  -  7-6-2024
Fonte della foto: NotizieScientifiche
... Experimental Film/Video As a Major Genre Ex - Cinema: From a Theory of Experimental Film and Video A History of 1970s Experimental Film: Britain's Decade of Diversity Questi volumi approfondiscono ...
NotizieScientifiche  -  6-6-2024
Fonte della foto: Club Alfa
L'incursione attraverso i decenni del design si estende dalla Experimental GT del 1965 agli innovativi studi degli anni '80 fino a concetti innovativi del recente passato come la GT X Experimental, ...
Club Alfa  -  4-6-2024
Fonte della foto: cinemaitaliano.info
...power plants in war zones – a new threat? (Brüning Reinhart) Best Documentary Short - Like a turning wheel (Marco Rossano) Best Drama Short - Eight Steps (Alexandra Croitoriu) Best Experimental Short ...
cinemaitaliano.info  -  3-6-2024
Fonte della foto: ytali.
This is even more true with a text like Venezia la notte , over a century old and written in a unique, experimental style. Here the translator must not only be a textual interpreter, but a cultural ...
ytali.  -  1-6-2024
These early results demonstrate that the Genialis krasID classifier can predict response and stratify durable benefit in experimental and clinical settings. 'The RAS gene family is the original white ...
01Net  -  31-5-2024
Fonte della foto: Tp24.it
Today, their presence is so significant that the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (Ogs) has launched an information campaign, in collaboration with the universities of ...
Tp24.it  -  31-5-2024
From formalized mathematical theory through experimental science, from technological development to practical clinical applications, IEEE EMBS members support scientific, technological, and ...
01Net  -  29-5-2024
Fonte della foto: La Pressa
  Successivamente, Marco Vinceti, Ordinario di Igiene Generale ed Applicata e Direttore del Corso di Dottorato in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, ha presentato l'illustre dottorando con un ...
La Pressa  -  29-5-2024
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Fonte della foto: ytali.
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