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Wrapping up their annual Synod in Baghdad, the Iraqi bishops express their deep concern over the impact of the war in Gaza on the entire region, and reaffirm two - state solution as the only way for a lasting peace. Read more ...
Il Cattolico  -  22-7-2024
The Synod of the Chaldean Church held its regular annual meetings from July 15 - 19, 2024, under the chairmanship of His Beatitude Patriarch Louis Raphael Card. Sako, at the Patriarchal Headquarters in Al ...
Il Cattolico  -  19-7-2024
I am pleased to welcome every one of you and to thank you for being here to participate in this Synod, in spite of the challenges that our Church is currently facing and the overall complicated social, political and security circumstances, in a hope that this meeting will bring to live Psalm (...
Il Cattolico  -  16-7-2024
Fonte della foto: L'Osservatore Romano
In una lettera dei primi di marzo del 1886, inviata all'amico John Addington Synod, lo scrittore scozzese Robert Louis Stevenson tesse alte lodi di Dostoesvskij, mostrando una particolare predilezione per Delitto e castigo, 'il più grande libro che abbia letto negli ultimi ...
L'Osservatore Romano  -  16-7-2024
Bishops, priests, and deacons representing 43 dioceses gathered in Arles on August 1, 314; Bishop Marinus of Arles presided. Topics addressed included excommunications, a common date for Easter, the ...
Il Cattolico  -  12-7-2024
Rome Newsroom, Jul 9, 2024 / 06:00 am The guiding document for the final part of the Synod on Synodality, published Tuesday, focuses on how to implement certain of the synod's aims while laying aside some of the more controversial topics from last year's gathering, such as women's admission to the diaconate. Read more
Il Cattolico  -  9-7-2024
... L'AMAZZONIA E' SOTTOPOSTA AL CONTROLLO STATALE DELLE SEGUENTI NAZIONI SUD AMERICANE: La Pan Amazzonia è composta da nove paesi Segreteria Generale del Sinodo dei Vescovi &...
La Democrazia - Libero Blog  -  14-11-2023
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