i can say is

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Fonte della foto: Adnkronos
This is truly a career - defining moment. I've made my loved ones proud, and now I can finally say: I am the best in the world at something,' said Jez after winning the competition. Andrea Pagliarini ...
Adnkronos  -  15 ore fa
Fonte della foto: Il Foglio
I think that is going to be, if that were to ... if that were to continue, I think that will ... What would you say to European policymakers to explain why ...but also for Europe itself? 'I think we can look ...
Il Foglio  -  28-2-2025
Fonte della foto: GlobalProject
Woman, shout it out, "I am mine!"" That place ... An unambiguous definition of antipsychiatry is not ...a real change in the paradigm of care.3 We can say ...
GlobalProject  -  27-2-2025
Fonte della foto: La Repubblica
"It's hard to say how hopeless a return on ...hard to say how hopeless a return on investment is ... I see no prospects. Only chip and infrastructure ... no one can afford to get the timing wrong." What do ...
La Repubblica  -  25-2-2025
Luoghi:uestati uniti
Fonte della foto: Everyeye Serie TV
L'episodio 6 della terza stagione di Invincible si intitola "All I Can Say Is I'm Sorry" e debutterà in streaming con Prime Video giovedì 27 febbraio: come confermato dall'anteprima di Prime Video, l'...
Everyeye Serie TV  -  25-2-2025
And those are just the objects that we can see. ...that's going to cause the Kessler Syndrome is ... But the scientists I spoke with described this as more ...that the research will come back and say, 'Yeah, ...
Quinta's weblog  -  14-2-2025
...Arisa - Say Something (Christina Aguilera) ' Say ...2013 come parte del loro album di debutto 'Is ...stata utilizzata nella serie TV 'So You Think You Can ... Massimo Ranieri con i Neri per Caso - Quando (Pino ...
Radio Capital  -  13-2-2025
Fonte della foto: SKY Tg24
" Hey, I said, you can keep my things/they've ... " Lord, here comes the flood/We'll say goodbye to ... because Biko/Yihla Moja, Yihla Moja/The man is ...
SKY Tg24  -  12-2-2025
In uno stato ci sono i dati di tutti circa tutte ... but access to them is restricted. Employees, ...appointees have strict controls on what they can ... Continua qui: The Government's Computing Experts Say ...
Quinta's weblog  -  10-2-2025
Fonte della foto: Geopolitica.info
... but as the current Chairman of Silicon Europe I can cleary say that Taiwan is a very important partner for quite some years already for our industry, the Taiwanese industrial ecosystem, to be ...
Geopolitica.info  -  10-2-2025
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